We were tasked to set up and launch Philips’ sustainability platform, with focus on their sustainable healthcare solutions, our main proof point for the campaign. Healthcare professionals were our target group and we wanted to bring to life the fact that it’s possible to care for people as well as keeping an eye on the planet, and specifically the places that mean the most to these people. Because, what’s the point in recovering from illness and returning the an unhealthy world.

Through extensive research we found 36 patients from all over the world that had been treated or diagnosed with Philips healthcare solutions that were willing to share their story with us. We eventually narrowed that down to 18. 18 heroes, from 10 countries, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, England, Italy, Australia and the USA.

We wanted to keep our production footprint small so specifically searched for photographers in these regions. No crew, no flights, just a photographer and our patients, in the places in nature that mean the most to them. 8 photographers delivered 8000 photos. Photos that went beyond the portrait as we wanted to really make these places in nature feel as important as the patients we were photographing. From the smallest inconsequential things, to the greatest mountain ranges on the planet.

Along with our hero film (below) we made specific product cutdowns, patients specific cutdowns, teasers and more. Our OOH campaign featured our favourite shots, Care means the world headline and a CTA that directed the viewer to the platform page where the personal stories of some of our patients could be found along with the assortment of sustainable healthcare tech.

Editor: Govert Jansen
ACD: Benjamin de Villiers & Doug Fridlund

Director: Benjamin de Villiers
Photographers: Hasisi Park, Joe Greer, Hazig Tumaran, Coco Olakunle, Sarah Pannell, Satya Gautam, Tereza, Cervenova


ProActiv - Live Fearlessly